Thursday, July 21, 2011

Baby, It's Hot Outside

ooh boy, i'm too hot even to capitalize. . .
   i'm one of those people who makes fun of people who complain about the weather.  i think it is such a waste of energy, time, thought. and because i believe in the laws of manifestation, you know: the idea that what you put your attention on increases, whether you want that to happen or not, it just seems ridiculous to me to put my attention on something that i want to go away. but keep your ears open when the temperatures stay in the 90s for more than three days. . .you can start to hear a whine coming from my direction, and if those temps go longer than 5 or 6 days, you'll usually catch me opining on the dire state of the weather, feeling shame-faced about it the whole time.  geez.
   well, i don't even know what day this is, i just know that it's a whole lot hotter than i like, and i'm grumbling.  oh yeah, i have my coping techniques.  the usual cool liquids and sitting near fans helps a lot, and wearing as little as this culture lets me get away with, and staring at my darling sheltie pooch who is in this same weather wearing a fur coat and who remains cheerful and playful and. . .i use the heat as an excuse to lie around and read under or next to a fan as often as possible, and i get up really early and stay up quite late, hoping for a chance to nap in the hottest part of the day like those intelligent mediterranean cultures do. but still.  grumble grumble.  
  i'm reminding myself how happy i was to get to the time of the year when i don't need to spend 15 minutes putting on coat,hat,mittens,scarf,heavy socks and boots before leaving the house. i'm reminding myself how much i love to garden. i'm reminding myself that there are people i know and love who revel in this weather, and i can choose to be happy for them;  after all, everyone should get the kind of weather they love at least now and then, right?  but secretly i think they are just plum demented.
   so today when the weather is again hot and steamy, and i know it's much hotter and more unbearable in austin where my brother and his family live, and knowing that doesn't seem to help at all, and i'm full to the gills with cooling liquids and grumbling about all the peeing it engenders, i'm aiming to play with ideas that are further 'out there' to see if i can find a way to make this fun instead of perceiving it as such a drag.  hmmm.
   ok, here's one:  what if i imagine that i'm really from another planet and this planet's temps feel a little coolish.  that might work.  just imagine that the sensation i'm perceiving as uncomfortably hot is really just a tad chilly.  hey, this is interesting, because i remember times when i've stuck my hand in some water and not been able to tell for a split second whether i'm perceiving hot or cold. what if i just use that power to imagine that the sensations running along my spine aren't a river of sweat but rather a cooling liquid full of nutrients - hey, wait a minute, that's actually true! sweat is a liquid that's meant to cool (and does, beautifully) and is full of mineral salts, etc. 
    oh, and i'm just remembering that in old-fashioned books, women with a sheen of sweat on their brow actually didn't have sweat on their brow because ladies didn't sweat, it wasn't nice.  no, no, their complexions were dewey. i like that.  right now i'm really really dewey. i'm swimming in dew.
    and i can remind myself that i wait all year for vine ripened tomatoes from my own garden, and my tomatoes love this heat. love, love, love it.  they are genuinely happy when it doesn't cool off at night one jot.  they are happy campers.  
   so, here's what i've got going so far:  i'm pretending that i'm a tomato-loving, dewey complected alien from a hot climate. it's time to go get some more cooling liquids and think of something to fix my cousin for breakfast;  i wonder if she'll notice me seeming a little more out-of-this-world?  i'll let you know how it works.  meantime, what do you find helpful with weather that makes you crazy/oops, let me change that to "challenges your powers of perception and manifestation"?   


  1. yeah, who slipped me the rohypnol? I'm perfectly fine with the weather from a mental state, but it appears my body has mistaken it for a strong narcotic. After being at work for a couple hours, I'm fine. Two minutes outside and I feel like I have ingested a load of muscle relaxers. Not to mention that I have been blowing lights and malfunctioning all sorts of electronics including my driver's seat that decided to readjust the whole way home.

    Like I said, not complaining here... but give me a break! :)

  2. Excellent ideas to keep our minds off the heat. In addition to cooling liquids, I like to find time to lie in the grass in the shade - the Earth just seems to suck some of the heat out, and the grounding helps me be less grumpy with the heat!

  3. Well, this post is from a couple of weeks ago, but its still hot and steamy outside :-)

    I really dislike this weather. In summertime, I seriously contemplate moving to the north pole. And so, that is what I remind myself of every morning when the heat threatens my sanity: that for a good six months of every year, I enjoy crisp and cold temperatures with hot cups of tea!

    Also, I truly do love living in a part of the world that gets to experience 4 different seasons. Keeping that in mind also helps me remember that his crazy hot and humid time will pass.
