An interesting phenomenon seems to be surfacing. Many of us who are almost always putting our hands or minds or both to some task, are finding ourselves sitting still and staring into space, almost against our will, even though it's pleasant. We might be sitting next to a pile of books we've been eager to read, and instead of picking one up, stare blithely at the nearby wall. Or dinner is done and while we'd normally jump up and take care of the kitchen, now we let 15 minutes or a half hour slide by while we stare at our plate or out the window. Then again, we may be zooming in our car between important destinations, and find ourselves irresistibly drawn to pull into a park area and just sit, staring into the middle distance, not really seeing what's before us. . .
This has been happening to me, and I hear from friends and clients that this is happening to many of you, too. Now for me, raised with the good old Protestant ethic stated so well in the aphorism (picture this embroidered on a piece of old linen), "Idle hands are the Devil's workshop," even while sitting smiling dopily into the middle distance, there is a perpetually naggy voice yammering at me to GET TO WORK! What do I think I'm doing, just sitting there??? For Pete's sake, how can I continue to earn my place on the planet if I'm not producing??? Geez. When the mood, or whatever it is, finally passes, guilt sweeps in, and I find myself working double-time to make up for it. And yet the next day, or even later that same day, I drop off into this pleasant la-la land again, just sitting, despite the presence of that scolding inner voice. Sound familiar?
Over the years I've had occasionally recognized when an odd phenomenon keeps popping up, at which time it eventually occurs to me to ask Guidance, "hey, what the heck is going on?" This time they said that life on planet Earth is currently turbulent, chaotic. To which I wittily replied, "No, duh!" They are used to this from me, so kindly continued:
Those of you who know yourselves to be on a spiritual path
(for there are many who have yet to remember this truth), who
are sometimes called "Lightworkers," are allowing yourselves to be
used this way, for those times when you sit in quiet and just
BE, you act as the stillpoints in the center of the real and figurative
tornadoes of energy currently being released. This is most needful,
as Earth continues her evolution, old systems collapse and new
ones are imagined and created. Perhaps it's time to let go
of old thought patterns and habits that tell you that you have to earn
your place on this beloved planet? Perhaps it's time to believe
you are beloved, too, and therefore don't need to justify your
existence with endless busy-ness?"
I swear, if Guides smirked, they would have been smirking over those last two sentences.
Of course it's time to give up those self-defeating crazy-making ways. As the old cliche goes, we are called human beings, not human doings. How better to catch our breath, get grounded, and notice the glory and wonder around us in the midst of the chaos?
Recently I told my friend Linda that when I was pregnant with my daughter, my husband, son and I were visiting friends in Iowa when tornadoes blew through. Everyone else sensibly went to the basement (my friend Marge's mother got under the ping-pong table) and stayed put, but I just couldn't, I had to be where I could watch. And this was no small system; by the next day, the National Guard was all over the place, trying to help folks deal with the material destruction.
The really really wacky thing is, the same thing happened the next evening, and I responded the same way, to everyone's consternation.
While I felt powerfully guided to do this, and Guidance told me it would be fine, I do not recommend this behavior to anyone, especially someone pregnant.
However, there is something thrilling and awe-ful and beyond my poor powers to describe, watching Mother Nature remind us that we are not boss, that we are incredibly powerful, but in our own domain, and that there are always energies larger than us at play.
So, back to the present, maybe those "I can't seem to help myself; I'm not motivated to do anything but just sit," times allow us to remember to be, and sit in wonder at the magnificent (while at times overwhelming) changes bringing us into a new way of Being.
For my part, I'm reminding myself to surrender to those times. To "Let it Be." (I can hear the Beatles accompanying me as I do it.)
And if that annoying, cranky voice starts in again, pushing me to do, do, do, I'm going to smile sweetly and say, "I am sitting in the eye of a storm, so go away."
Let me know how it goes for you, okay, Fellow Stillpoint?
"When you sit in quiet and just BE, you act as the stillpoints in the center of the real and figurative tornadoes of energy currently being released."
ReplyDeleteI'm going to remember this! Thank you.
" For my part, I'm reminding myself to surrender to those times."
ReplyDeleteI find that I can't NOT surrender to the directive to sit in quiet! I love the image of us acting as stillpoints. Thank you for this post. I had been feeling so overwhelmed and drained and tired, and wondering why I just felt compelled to sit and do nothing...and now I know!